This stunning contains presents for both Mummy and baby. Wonderfully presented in a grey hamper basket with fastening strap, the gifts in this hamper are sure to delight. This gift contains:
- 1 x Lamb soft toy. Suitable from birth. Eco-friendly.
- 1 x White cotton cellular baby blanket.
- 1 x Little Wishes Bracelet For Mum-to-be.
- 1 x Silk effect relaxation eye mask for Mum to be.
- 1 x Relax candle. To aid moments of tranquility.
- 1 x White knit baby booties.
- 2 x Organic Neals Yard relaxation tea.
- 1 x Hamper keepsake basket.
- 1 x Greetings card.
The basket can then double as a wonderful keepsake box for all those precious items like hospital name tag and home from hospital outfit etc.
Please let us know message for gift card.